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July 22, 2011


Cathy Soud

Wow, what a great idea!


Of the couple sites I've read with instructions, your post is by far the most detailed and helpful!


if you are folding the fabric over the sides and bottom, how does this look from the outside looking in? does it look untidy have fabric just around the edges? i really would like to do this in my kitchen, but you can see our window from the street and I dont want it to look unkept.


Did you have any trouble with the side edges of your shades rolling (after you applied the fabric). I've covered w/fabric and side edges of shades curled outward. Just wondering if you have another trick up your sleeve. Thanks...I'm thinking about trying this again.

Natalie Soud

Hayley - great question! Because I'm on the second floor of an apartment building, I didn't worry at all about what the shade looks like from the back. It's not really a pretty sight! If I were going to do this in a kitchen, like you mentioned, I might try using a thin fabric on the back to cover the edges of the folded fabric.

Janet - Another good question! I didn't have any trouble with the problem you mentioned...is the fabric heavy? Or perhaps it's pulled too tight across the shade?


Would it work to cut the fabric the same size as the shade, use fray check and/or trim? Then the back side would look clean.

Natalie Soud

That definitely seems like a possible solution! In that case, I would recommend carefully gluing down the edges of the fabric as close to the edge of the shade as possible to prevent the edges from curling over time.

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