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April 7, 2011


blair @ wild and precious

awesome girl. your blog looks fantastico! love this post!

some other great orange music (although sadly they are no longer on a label and are no longer a band)...


Wild Sweet Orange (lead guy is the dude who sang me and davids first dance song at the wedding)

Natalie Soud

Thanks Blair! Looking forward to giving this a listen...So sad that Wild Sweet Orange isn't around anymore :( I remember loving him at your wedding!


Love the clutch!


i need that radio. and a picnic basket to go with it.

Natalie Soud

Cas, all of her clutches in the Stagelight line are sooo pretty. Structured, geometric shapes + bright colors!

Lin, I need the radio too. I pretty much want one in every color (there are 15 and they're all out of stock on the Roberts website)! But I'm sure you could find one on Amazon.

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